
You Were, Are & Always Will Be Victorious.
Congratulations Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on your second term electoral victory!

After a long and arduous election, with months of campaigning, the Canadian election ended on October 21st and the Canadian voters have spoken. If not in one voice, then at least close to it. The Liberal Party headed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been handed the second term in hard-fought Canadian election but with a minority.

With a win of the Liberal party comes relief for aspiring immigrants and it is crystal clear that promises made by Justin Trudeau’s party regarding the intake of immigrants are going to take place provided needing approval from another party. A minority win makes it obvious that the Liberals will be dependent on either of the party to pass any legislation through Parliament that demands conciliation or compromise. The competition between the Liberals and the Conservative party was neck to neck, but at last Justin Trudeau’s party managed to come back into the power.

Everyone has eyes on the Municipal Nominee Program

During the legislation period of Liberals, they came up with several immigration pilot programs, including the Municipal Nominee Program (MNP) which was promised by the party to help small cities across Canada to attract more immigrants. As per the statistics, most provinces see at least 80% of their immigrants go to big cities, which results in smaller municipalities struggling to address their market labour needs.

The governing party of Liberals introduced programs like Atlantic Immigration Pilot AIP and Rural Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP), which have specific selection criteria that are to be taken into account for the MPNP. The MPNP will allow employers in small municipalities provided by the Federal government to support new applicants to meet the market needs.

Why the party had Immigration as its main agenda during the 2019 election?

The Liberal government has always been popular for being welcoming to immigrants and even introduced many new programs to invite them to apply for several Canada immigration programs and meet the labour market needs. Winning the second term is a sign that the Canadians are open for immigrants and are fine with the new immigration policies.

Want to immigrate to Canada?

Even though Trudeau had a narrow victory, the Canada immigration aspirants can still look forward to moving to Canada with lucidity. If you were one of those planning to move to Canada but were skeptical about the election’s impact on immigration, then don’t worry; our immigration experts are here to help!

To check if you are eligible for Canadian immigration, all you need to do is fill our assessment form. One of our Immigration Experts will review your application and get in touch with you shortly.

Talk to us to know more

We are sure you want to know more about us before you actually hire our services.

- We are more than willing to talk to you and provide you with all the necessary information you need.

- We outline all our services clearly to avoid any confusion.

Our website will tell you about the history of the company and our association with the RCIC.

We are authorized immigration consultants approved by the ICCRC and a registered agent of the RCIC holding the License Number, R512178.



BetterPlace Immigration - Canada Immigration News
BetterPlace Immigration - Canada Immigration News

Written by BetterPlace Immigration - Canada Immigration News

BetterPlace Immigration specializes in providing the latest Canadian immigration news.

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