International Students Can Now Apply For A New Open Work Permit


International Students Can Now Apply For A New Open Work Permit

The coronavirus pandemic made it necessary for Canada to impose travel restrictions. As a result, international students have continued to face many problems throughout 2020.

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It seems that Canada has finally found a solution to help foreign students who are currently living in Canada with expiring or expired Post-Graduation Work Permits. According to a new policy being implemented from 27th January, former international students can now apply for a new one-time work permit in case they are in fear of their permits expiring. The new permits obtained by the applicants will remain valid for 18 months.


The PGWP program is responsible for turning international students into skilled workers who can benefit the economy. In the time period that they have the permit, they are free to look for a job with a suitable employer. Gaining work experience is an important factor for students who want to become permanent residents in the future.

Getting a new open work permit will allow international students to continue their stay in Canada and look for a suitable job. While employer-specific work permits bind international workers with just one employer, open work permits give them the freedom to choose any employer they want.


Candidates will be able to apply for a new work permit from January 27 to July 27, 2021. They must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Should have a valid passport
  • Should have an expired PGWP or one that is about to expire within four months
  • Should hold a temporary status or be trying to restore it
  • Be in Canada at the time of application

This policy will definitely help in the retention of more international students.



BetterPlace Immigration - Canada Immigration News
BetterPlace Immigration - Canada Immigration News

Written by BetterPlace Immigration - Canada Immigration News

BetterPlace Immigration specializes in providing the latest Canadian immigration news.

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