Canada Lets More DLIs Host International Students


Canada Lets More DLIs Host International Students

The pandemic has proved to be disastrous for international travellers looking to travel to Canada for some reason or the other. It has been especially difficult for foreign students who based their study plans around 2020.

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Due to the border restrictions imposed by Canada, international students could not enter the country for the most part of the year. The restrictions were applicable to all students except those that had received their study approval or permit before March 18. Now, things are looking a little different since the pandemic situation has improved in Canada. Travel restrictions have been eased finally for international students.

DLIs require approved COVID-19 readiness plans

Canada decided to make a list of Designated Learning Institutions who have been able to provide a successful COVID-19 readiness plan. The DLIs that have managed to get their plan approved by the territorial or provincial government are the only ones allowed to host international students at the moment. Canada is constantly updating its list as more DLIs come forward with their readiness plans to be able to permit international students on the campus.

The approved DLIs will give a benefit to their enrolled international students who will be considered exempt from the existing travel restrictions. They will be allowed to enter the country by border officials without any hassle. It is important to remember that all international students will have to self-quarantine for two weeks or else they might be heavily fined.

Some universities in Canada have experienced a drop in international enrollment because of the current circumstances. Canada is hoping to revive students’ interest in Canadian higher education by making more allowances. With in-class courses resuming, students who were unwilling to attend virtual semesters can now travel to Canada.



BetterPlace Immigration - Canada Immigration News
BetterPlace Immigration - Canada Immigration News

Written by BetterPlace Immigration - Canada Immigration News

BetterPlace Immigration specializes in providing the latest Canadian immigration news.

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